Robert John Brewer As “Frizz” Frizofsky

An actor, voiceover artist, and improviser hailing from Tarentum, PA; for several years Brewer believed he was born in a station wagon down by the river.  Just one of the many tales told to him as a small child that were never corrected by his family as he got older. There were the typical childhood dreams of wanting to be a cowboy, astronaut, fireman, private detective, or a cranky loading dock foreman from Queens.  That is until the realization of being the thing that made him want to be those other things is the thing he wanted to be.

After over nine years of active duty in the USAF, Brewer went to Minot State University, earning a B. A. in Theatre. He was a member of L.A.’s Rogue Machine theatre company.

In September 2022, Rob lost his life to pancreatic cancer. He is terribly missed. He was a blessing of a man and a blessing to this film.


Delissa Reynolds (she/her)